02392 655494 info@farrow-rm.com

NHS Hospitals

Farrow Risk Management Ltd is delighted it has now been providing training services to a number of NHS establisments for the last seven years years and we know that these trusts pride themselves on ensuring a high quality of service. FRM Ltd is delivering a range of...

Health & Safety

Building on previous years Farrow Risk Management have had a successful 2016 providing Health & Safety and Fire Safety training sessions to a charity based group to ensure that all its staff have an understanding of these subjects and how they as an employee can...

Event Safety

Building on previous years Farrow Risk Management have had a successful 2016 providing Health & Safety and Fire Safety training sessions to a charity based group to ensure that all its staff have an understanding of these subjects and how they as an employee can...

Virgin Care 2014

Virgin Care thanked their staff with a fun packed day and night of entertainment.Farrow Risk Management were delighted to have been working in conjunction with Watermark Events to setup and manage the Virgin Care Event. Not only did FRM Ltd provided security and...