02392 655494 info@farrow-rm.com

The need to safeguard and protect the most vulnerable people in our society is becoming an ever-increasing social concern. As a result, the Government has issued guidance for consultation recommending licensing authorities make safeguarding, child sexual abuse and exploitation awareness training mandatory for all licensed taxi and private hire drivers. The Blue Lamp Trust, a non-profit making organisation dedicated to promoting and enhancing community safety throughout Hampshire and Isle of Wight, is now providing two specific training programmes that cater for taxi and private hire drivers. Developed in conjunction with Farrow Risk Management the Blue Lamp Trust safeguarding course is available in either an online eLearning course, or a traditional classroom-based course. Both courses will prepare taxi drivers for the role of safeguarding their passengers. To learn more about both these courses and read a feature article covering the inaugural classroom-based training course please follow the links below.

